Getting Involved

Last night was so cool! I really enjoyed all of our chats and learning that we all did. I feel myself growing, changing, and becoming more comfortable in my skin. I know that whole “loving yourself” is a huge part of it, and I am really starting to fall in love with myself. Looking at being in service every day. 🙂 I can notice small shifts every day . . . I am really digging all of this and love getting to connect and share with everyone. Thanks for doing what you do 🙂


John Heney’s creativity and services are all about the experience, the demonstration and the connection. We’re each involved in life anyway! We might as well create uplifting, inclusive and helpful connections for ourselves while showing others how it’s done. How liberating and infectious is that? How far can it reach? There are many ways to participate, including:

Getting in touch through the means listed under the Contact page in order to

  • Learn how you can participate
  • Customize John’s work and services to fit your needs.

Posing a question to John or presenting a situation that can help others learn from your experience or gain from the knowledge you seek. Sharing your story (with your privacy guaranteed) to show how resilient and fascinating people are, how efficient wisdom can be and how common is our desire to make a difference.

Gaining from a private session

  • There’s nothing like diving in to experience respect, connection and service. Arrange your session with John to begin the process.

Participating in his chat sessions to learn from others and enrich the experience. This may include

  • Phone-only gatherings
  • Connecting along with others by phone into his live gatherings
  • Participating when he’s online

Using his output including his books

  • These are great anchors of inspiration, appreciation of energies, and reminders along the way.

Inviting John to speak to your group or event, provide workshops for your organization, consult with you and your team, and informing others of his services and how you may help them in this way.

What’s your cue to action?

Remember, every great connection you have ever made in your life — the ones you continue to prize — started in some way… Contact John here.