Becoming the Person
You’d Love to Meet
Join In! Have Fun! Make a Difference!
Might you be one of these people...?

Welcome to practical and expansive ways to engage and flourish creatively!

Looking for “low-maintenance, high-benefit people? Or wise points of view? Or relaxing common sense? Here you’ll find a fascinating network of like-minded people who’ve decided to live above the fray as they demonstrate what works for a life of fun, ease and joy!

People engaged with John Heney hail from all walks of life, all over the world, interacting in support of higher purposes, lower effort and more enjoyment in all aspects of their lives. They daily acknowledge and embrace how each and every person on the globe is a miracle. We’re all equally universal, and unique. At the same time! Come discover how a collaborative approach applies to your life, your project, your intentions and your place in the game!

Let Your
Circumstance Blossom!

Every life situation is a fascinating case…

What types of people are John’s satisfied clients? How are they applying his ideas? You’ll be surprised!

Each and every personal situation holds Keys to Ease you can apply to liberate yourself – and whole sectors of society – changing that which we seek into that which we live!…

Take a look at some of the situations people bring to John that become teaching tools that make them teachers, not just students, and participants, not just bystanders, and contributors not just takers.

Discover How Much
More You Are!

Who Woulda Thunk!

It just might be true that 98% of people’s personal issues are actually cultural, not really personal at all. That means that only two percent of your challenges might be actually yours!

People are starting to respond to something they feel really deeply within themselves, which they cannot put into words. Although very subtle, this evolution has a very practical side to it. And much of the population is only too happy to be liberated from the ridiculous. You might as well be a means to show them how!

Refresh Your Place
in the Game!

Learn, Apply, Demonstrate!

Here are tips and tools to expand your influence and purpose, your service and roles in ways that lower effort and raise results while more easily complementing many aspects of your life.

Life is not a battle between good and evil, but rather a toss between wisdom and stupidity. Spiritual mechanics has a very practical side to it, in which principles get a chance to be put to use. In this way, projects, for example, become opportunities to show how energy works, rather than trying to scramble to put energies together in the hope that a project works.

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